Ultrasound of the Month: Can you use Pocus for pneumonia?

Ultrasound of the Month:  Can you use Pocus for pneumonia?

In the emergency room, shortness of breath and cough are common complaints, and chest x-rays are frequently ordered to evaluate for pneumonia.  However, what is the sensitivity and specificity of chest x-ray for pneumonia?  Is it a "rule out" test?  Is there a role for point of care ultrasound (hint...yes!)? 

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Ultrasound of the Month: A Case of Unilateral Knee Swelling

Ultrasound of the Month: A Case of Unilateral Knee Swelling

Welcome back to the first installment of the Ultrasound of the Month in the new year! After reviewing our cases from January we have selected a case of unilateral knee swelling to highlight the use of ultrasound in this extremely common ED chief complaint. The amazing images with obtained by Dr. Hadley Gunnell, anouther one of our stellar interns!

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Feature Film - Myths and Misconceptions about Testicular Torsion

Feature Film - Myths and Misconceptions about Testicular Torsion

Testicular torsion is present in approximately 3 – 17% of children brought to the ED with scrotal pain.  It has a bimodal incidence in the first year of life and at puberty, when the rapid increase in testicular volume predisposes the testis to torsion. While not as common, it can also occur late into adult hood. Because the testicular salvage rate is time dependent, prompt recognition and diagnosis is an essential skill of the emergency provider.  In this month's feature film, Dr. Jacob Avila busts some myths and misconceptions about testicular torsion. 

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Lungs are Sometimes Better Seen than Heard

Lungs are Sometimes Better Seen than Heard

An old mentor of mine liked to say "sometimes lungs are better seen than heard."  While he was referring then to good old fashioned chest xray, current literature clearly supports the use of bedside ultrasound as a valuable tool in evaulating the dyspneic patient.  In this lecture, Dr. Jacob Avila discusses the use of the bedside ultrasound in detecting pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, congestive heart failure, and pneumothorax. 

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