Journal Club - Concussion Management…Brain Rest or Light exercise?

Journal Club - Concussion Management…Brain Rest or Light exercise?

Despite the widespread prevalence of concussions, little is known about its ideal management. The traditional recommendation for concussion treatment has centered around the concept of “brain rest” in addition to physical rest. There is little medical evidence to support this recommendation. Our journal club sought to answer whether some physical activity could actually benefit patients with acute concussion and additionally reviewed a study (completed in Maine) that challenged the belief concussions have long term cognitive effects. Read on to see what you think!

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So You Diagnosed Your Pediatric Patient With A Concussion… What Do You Tell The Parents Now?

So You Diagnosed Your Pediatric Patient With A Concussion… What Do You Tell The Parents Now?

In the United States an estimated 300,000 sports-related concussions occur annually. Many of these are young athletes who are referred to the emergency department for evaluation. While there are robust clinical decision aids to clarify the need for a CT brain, the literature around concussions is a bit murkier. Recently, athletes who sustained a concussion were recommended to avoid exercise and vigorous cognitive activity until their symptoms resolved entirely. Several studies over the last several years have challenged these recommendations. Dr. William Meehan is the director for the Micheli Center for Sports Injury Prevention. We were fortunate to “pick his brain” regarding questions we are often asked by the parents of the young athlete . . . when can their child return to play? When can they return to their full course work at school?

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