Neuroimaging Update: The Studies and Sequences You Should Know

Neuroimaging Update: The Studies and Sequences You Should Know

The world of emergency neuroimaging is evolving and increasingly influencing time-sensitive treatment decisions. A basic understanding of the imaging studies and sequences you may be asked to obtain in the ED may help you better manage your patients. In this post, Dr. Matthew Siket reviews the major four neuroimaging modalities (CT, CTA, Perfusion, and MRI).

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You Down with GME? Yeah, You Know Me- Learning during residency from the residents' perspective

You Down with GME? Yeah, You Know Me- Learning during residency from the residents' perspective

We talk a fair bit in MedEd (that's medical education for cool people) about how to best teach medicine, but rarely ask those who these conversations and thoughts most effect... the residents. 

So we sat down with two of our graduating chief residents to ask them their parting thoughts on GME. 

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Making Metacognition Work for You

Making Metacognition Work for You

Metacognition is a person’s ability to understand their thought patterns and how they come to their conclusions. It is a critically important skill for health care providers as it has the ability to both hinder and help their medical decision making. In this podcast episode, Dr. Samantha Wood describes the dual process theory of thinking as well as seven metacognition hacks that you can use on your next shift.

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The PREVENT Trial - When to Use Bag Mask Ventilation in Your Intubations

The PREVENT Trial - When to Use Bag Mask Ventilation in Your Intubations

When you're intubating your patient, twiddling your thumbs and waiting for your induction and paralytic to work, do you ever ask yourself "hmm, should I be bagging this patient?" In this podcast episode we talk about that very question and the new data from the PREVENT trial.


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Analgesics in the ED: What Works, What Doesn’t

Analgesics in the ED: What Works, What Doesn’t

Prompt, safe, and effective pain management is a core competency of the emergency provider. Unfortunately, traditional strategies for administering analgesics for acute pain have shown poor success rates. In this podcast episode, Dr. Matthew Delaney shares a few evidence based pain management pearls you can use on your next shift.

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Coding in the Community

Coding in the Community

Coding patients in the community setting is difficult given constraints of man power, specialists, equipment, and other resources. Knowing how to code a patient well in the community is a skill all EM practitioners should master. In this post we review the priorities and pitfalls of coding in the community, with our guest Salim Rezaie.

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